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(My Five Senses – Unit (6 للصف الرابع 2024

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

(Unit (6

My Five Senses

People have five senses. The five senses are

hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching

We hear with our ears *

,Sometimes people have a hearing impairment

which means they cannot hear at all or only

. to some degree

We see with our eyes *

The eyes work like a camera. They take in light

from the thing we are looking at and make a tiny

picture of it on the back of the eyeball. Nerves

inside the eyes take a message to the brain

about the picture.The brain tells us what it is we

. are looking at

We smell with our nose *

When we breathe, air goes into our nose through

the nostrils. Inside the nose there are lots of tiny

hairs. They catch bits of dust that are in the air

Damp, sticky stuff called mucus traps more dirt

.and germs as they enter the nose

We taste with our tongue *

The tongue is covered with about 10,000 very

tiny bumps called taste buds. Taste buds on

different parts of the tongue taste different

.things; sweet, sour, salty, and bitter

We touch and feel with our skin *

Nerve endings in the skin send messages to the

,brain that tell us about what we are touching

,such as whether it is warm, hot, cold, painful

. soft , prickly, rough, sticky

بالتوفيق والنجاح

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