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امتحان صف رابع للصف الرابع 2024

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امتحان انجليزي صف رابع

Reading Comprehension
Passage I
Saif is ten years old. He is in grade four. He lives on a farm with his
family. He usually gets up at 6:00 o’clock. Then, he gets dressed and
eats breakfast. He has to feed the cows before school. He likes reading
and swimming. He does his homework before he goes to bed. He usually
visits his uncle on Friday. His uncle lives in the city. Saif doesn’t like the
city because there are many buildings and cars in it. He likes the country
because he can run and play in the fields.
Read and mark (√ ) or (x) : ( 10 marks)
1- Saif lives in the city. ( )
2- He has to feed the cats before school. ( )
3- He likes reading and swimming.( )
4- He goes to bed after he does his homework. ( )
5- He always visits his uncle on Friday. ( )
My name:……………………………………………………. My Section:…………………….
المادة: اللغة الإنجليزية
الصف : الرابع الأساسي
الزمن : ساعة و نصف
2024 م /12/ اليوم و التاريخ: 10
دولة الإمارات التربية المتحدة
وزارة التربية والتعليم والشباب
منطقة الفجيرة التعليمية
قسم الإدارة التربوية
ï„* 2ï„*ï…¦ï„*ï…*
Reading Comprehension
Passage II
Many people like to live in the city. There are tall buildings,
museums and skating rinks in it. You can find many different
cars and many different kinds of people . You can go to the
movie theater with your friends. If you are hungry and you have
no time to go home, you can go to the restaurant to eat. You
will find many different kinds of delicious food in it. You can
enjoy walking in the parks. You can find different kinds of
clothes in the department stores.
Choose the correct answer from a, b , or c: ( 10 marks )
1- You can enjoy walking in the ————— .
a. movie theater b. parks c. cars
2- You can buy many kinds of clothes in the ———–.
a. museum b. skating rink c. department store
3-The opposite of the word tall is: …………………
a. short b. delicious c. buy
4- "it" in line 6 refers to: ………………..
a. movie theater b. museum c. restaurant
5-The main idea of the passage is: ………………………………
a. The city b. The country c. The farm
II. Grammar
Circle the correct word from a, b, or c: ( 10 marks)
1- She usually ———– dinner at 7:30.
a) eat b) eats c) eating
2- I————– to school after breakfast.
a) go b) goes c) going
3- Salem eats lunch————–school.
a) before b) on c) after
4- Ahmad and Hamdan usually———– the bus.
a) takes b) take c) taking
5- —————– do you eat breakfast? I eat breakfast at 7:15.
a) Who b) What c) What time
6- Fish—————- walk.
a) always b) never c) sometimes
7- The penguin————— fly.
a) can b) can’t c) do
8- There ——- many cars in the city.
a) are b) is c) was
9- She ——— to comb her hair every day.
a) have b) are c) has
10- The doctor—————- helps sick people.
a) never b) always c) sometimes
Correct the word between brackets: ( 5 marks)
1- I play with my friends (after) I go to bed. —————
2- I (has) to clean my bedroom. —————
3- There (are) a cow on my farm. —————
4- The deer (can’t) walk. —————
5- This is (Hamads) cat. —————-

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